Understanding Productivity

Course Description:
In the Understanding Productivity module, participants will learn the distinction between productivity and production, the general trend of flat productivity growth in the industry will be discussed, and productivity enhancing tactics and methodologies will be applied.

Variable (4-8 hours)

Learning Objectives:
Following this module, participants will be able to:

  • Define productivity
  • Describe industry productivity trends
  • Name the 5S’s of the 5S Methodology
  • Recall the Goals for Lean
  • List the 8 wastes identified in Lean

Key Concepts:

  • Understanding the controllable factors that influence productivity
  • 5S Methodology
  • Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain
  • Kaizen
  • Value Added activities vs. Non-Value Added Activities
  • The Eight Wastes
  • Defects, Over Production, Waiting, Non-Utilized Resources, Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Extra Processing

Time Management

Course Description:
The time management module provides an introduction to the top‐ten time wasting activities and how to avoid them. Participants will learn the top time savers, discover how to best leverage time and examine how to break the cycle of “always having to put out fires.” One critical aspect of time management is the ability to effectively delegate tasks and responsibilities. Participants will engage in discussions surrounding their methods of organization and delegation to understand the methods used by peers and to solicit input on ways to be more effective as a leader.

4 hours

Learning Objectives:
Following this module, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of time management
  • Employ key time management principles
  • Identify time wasters
  • Utilize time management and time saving tips
  • Evaluate delegation capabilities and opportunities

Key Concepts:

  • Time Management is a critical skill that if left uncontrolled leads to significant negative impacts.
  • Techniques like delegation, planning and effective communication can save time through more effective behavior
  • Attendees will understand their role in managing time and techniques to:
    • Get Organized
    • Schedule your time for paperwork, email, and other follow up
    • Prioritize Issues

Planning and Scheduling

Course Description:
The planning and scheduling module introduces and discusses common obstacles and roadblocks to successful planning. Specific planning tools at critical steps of the project are reviewed. By utilizing the five key planning processes introduced, field managers are equipped with the necessary tools to plan effectively. The module also introduces the critical Path Method (CPM) with in class and take home exercises to reinforce CPM skills and knowledge.

Variable (4 hours to 3 days)

Learning Objectives:
Following this module, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the impact of successful planning on productivity
  • Understand obstacles to successful planning
  • Recognize the benefits of Critical Path Method for project scheduling
  • Utilize key planning tools including
    • Pre-Job Planning
    • Short Interval Planning
    • Daily Huddle
    • Closeout Strategy

Key Concepts:

  • Ineffective planning and scheduling has a direct impact on the bottom line
  • Reactive companies tend to have poor field productivity thus impacting the bottom line
  • Pre-Job planning, short interval planning, Daily Huddles, closeout strategies and lessons learned are critical processes that serve as the building blocks to improved labor productivity (and therefore profitability)
  • Hands-on use of the planning tools will help participants evaluate the utility of five key planning tools garnering increased buy-in and adoption
  • A critical path schedule can be an important tool in decision making to improve project success

Negotiation Skills for Field Leaders

Course Description:
In this module participants will recognize that negotiation is a critical skill for leaders which is utilized on a regular basis. The concept of “principled negotiation” is the foundation for this module which has at its core the idea of focusing on the interests of each party to come to a positive resolution. Various negotiation tactics (both good and bad) and common mistakes are introduced.

4 hours

Learning Objectives:
Following this module, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize When a negotiation is taking place
  • Evaluate when to use each of the five Conflict Handling Orientations
  • Utilize appropriate methods of negotiation
  • Apply strategies to combat “dirty” negotiation tactics
  • Avoid common negotiation mistakes

Key Concepts:

  • Five conflict handling orientations
  • Principled Negotiations
  • Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement

Motivating your Team

Course Description:
Motivation is the desire to do something. The approach to improving motivation includes discussions about how to identify that desire in each individual and reveals the seven key motivators and how they are used. Participants will not only learn about the theories of motivation, but will learn how to apply them to projects, as well as identifying de-motivators and how to avoid them. This session provides a major paradigm shift for most field leaders.

4 hours

Learning Objectives:
Following this module, participants will be able to:

  • Understand factors that motivate employees
  • Describe the causes of unsatisfactory performance
  • Review general theories of motivation
  • Utilize the Skill/Will Matrix
  • Apply the “Do’s and Don’ts of Motivation”

Key Concepts:
People do not motivate people. As leaders our job is to identify what motivates our employees

  • Unsatisfactory performance is usually curable if leaders inform, train and give support to their employees
  • Motivational theory provides a construct for understanding the interaction between why people are motivated and what organizations can do to create a motivating environment
  • Companies and Leaders can employ tactics that can enhance or destroy motivation


Mentoring and Coaching

Course Description:
This module introduces each participant to the skills necessary for effective coaching to develop successful workers. Participants will learn the importance of coaching in the work environment. Participants will learn how to apply coaching skills to everyday working situations through practical application of each skill through evidence based approaches.

Variable (4-8 hours)

Learning Objectives:
Following this module, participants will be able to:

  • Define coaching and mentoring
  • Use tools to assess the coachee
  • Employ effective listening skills
  • Select appropriate methods for giving and receiving feedback
  • Understand effective and efficient models for timely coaching

Key Concepts:
Coaching is a necessary skill for effective leaders that must be practiced.

  • The difference between coaching and mentoring
  • The keys to improving listening skills
  • Effective Coaching is about increasing the performance and competencies of employees
  • Effective Coaching requires the coach to use opportunities in the everyday work environment to provide constructive feedback and praise in a manner that is; timely, specific, consistent, and focused on behavior
  • Coaching is a process that can be used to facilitate effective communication and goal setting for the coach and coachee

Leadership in the Field

Course Description:
The leadership in the field module introduces important leadership principles and relates them to the individual’s leadership skills. The importance of effective field leadership in the mining industry, particularly in the field, cannot be overstated. Participants will experience a hands‐on demonstration of the effects of sound leadership practices, from which they will learn the importance of teamwork, planning, and motivation as they relate to leadership.

Variable (4-8 hours)

Learning Objectives:
Following this module, participants will be able to:

  • Define leadership and management
  • Understand the 11 Habits of Highly Effective Field Leaders
  • Differentiate between leadership and management
  • Describe their own leadership styles

Key Concepts:

  • Leadership is the foundation of success on the job and in the business
  • Leadership is a learned skill
  • The difference between leadership and management
  • Leaders drive direction, direction creates alignment, and alignment generates motivation for superior results
  • Using leadership principles to motivate and inspire people


Effective Presenter

Course Description:
The purpose of the two day workshop is to provide the skills needed to make effective training presentations.   The participant will be provided the opportunity to learn strategies and skills to effectively plan, organize and deliver an effective training presentation.  In addition, the participant will be exposed to the concepts of effective facilitation using skills and strategies from Brain Learning, Multiple Intelligence, Learning Styles, Cooperative Learning and Adult Learning. During the two days, the participant will have the opportunity to make four presentations.

2 days

Who Should Attend:
New / current trainers, training & delevopment practicioners.
This course will also meet the “Basic Instructional Techniques” requirement for the Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Safety Association’s Construction Safety Officer Certification program.

Learning Objectives:
Objectives –

  • Controlling the training/presentation with specific skill development in planning content, training/presentation design, and delivery
  • Controlling self as an effective trainer/presenter:
    • Anxiety and fear related to training/presenting
    • Presence and body language both verbal and non-verbal and the influence on training/presenting effectiveness
  • Controlling the environment for effective learning through effective facilitation with adult learners

Outcomes –

  • Participants will identify the elements of effective training and facilitation.
  • Participants will prepare a training presentation demonstrating skills and strategies developed during the workshop
  • Participants will compile a resource of training skills and learning strategies for incorporation in their future training presentations.

Key Concepts:

  • Understanding how we learn
  • Understand the adult learner
  • How to meet adult learners needs
  • How to organize a training session
  • How to use different methods to deliver the training
  • How to become a confident training facilitator
  • How to deal with anxiety and stress
  • How to engage the audience and hold their interest

Driving Project Success

Course Description:
The driving project success module is a highly interactive kickoff to the Leadership training program. An interactive group building exercise sets the stage for the remaining content of the program by introducing and highlighting the concepts taught in the remaining modules.

4 hours

Learning Objectives:
Following this module, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize field management obstacles and opportunities
  • Identify how planning and communication impact productivity
  • Restate how productivity is measured
  • Evaluate the impact of rework on productivity and project performance

Communication Effectiveness

Course Description:
In this module, participants will explore the four basic personality types (using the Predective Index), how individuals of each type communicate, and how to utilize the understanding of these personality types to communicate more effectively with others. Participants will understand their own communication strengths and weaknesses and will learn improved methods of communication. As a result, participants will strengthen their ability to communicate internally with other employees, as well as with customers, vendors, suppliers, and other contractors.

Variable (4-8 hours)

Learning Objectives:
Following this module, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and appreciate the value of individual differences
  • Recognize how perception affects communication styles
  • Identify their personal communication style
  • Understand their behavioral tendencies and abilities
  • Select strategies for working together to increase effective communication
  • Interpret others behavior for effective communication
  • Apply effective communication techniques

Key Concepts:

  • How organizations and situations are framed directly affects communication style and effectiveness.
  • Communication tendencies can create effective or sabotage communication strategies.

Predictive Index

  • Dominance
  • Extroversion
  • Patience
  • Formality